
Astrology and Life Goals

I was always interested in astrology. I had limited access to information when I was kid, but I still thought it was fascinating. I had my first reading by a professional astrologer when I was college, and I was blown away. I figured she must be psychic, because I couldn’t see how she could know so much about me from this piece of paper (my natal chart).

I went back to learn more about myself and ask her astrology questions. I devoured books and learned how to cast charts. I’d offer to look at anyone’s chart that would let me and I eventually became a professional astrologer. My business thrived, though I decided not to make it my primary source of income. It’s been a part time thing over the years. I’ve loved seeing clients and learned a lot from them. I’m at a time in my life now though where I am enjoying (feasting) on uncommitted time. I find myself retired from any kind of work that requires me to be somewhere at a specific time, or to do anything by a certain date. It’s amazing and is something I have been working towards for a long time.

My interest in astrology continues, so I’ve gotten back into blogging, teaching and I’ve added astrology shirts to this site. I used to teach classes offline, but keeping with my new found freedom, my classes now are online. I create them at home, at my pace. Once published, students take them at their pace. I love the Internet.

Getting to this place once seemed so far away, and then I blinked, and here I am. Now I find myself wanting to slow down time. I’m not rushing to get anywhere. My attention is focused on my life now, and when I think back to all the times in my life when I was most content, that’s what I was doing.

Long term goals are valuable and worth checking in on, but no matter how far away they seem the time to get there goes so fast. Be sure to spend it living and loving fully.